This year, Facebook is again changing his algorithm by improving the standards of the posts. An artificial Intelligence will review the posts and identify which one is the original source. One more measure to fight against disinformation and highlight the work of journalists.
The social network is trying this time to get a little ahead of the upcoming US presidential elections... Facebook has long been criticized for being lax about spreading fake news, so we can guess that Mark Zukerberg is doing his best to be ready for elections ! The social network recently decided, for example, to ban advertisements mentioning races or religions. With this slight change in algorithm, Facebook is making an extra effort !
As you can already guess, it won't be a real human being reading all our posts to decide which one is a fake news and which is authentic. Facebook will obviously use artificial intelligence to identify authentic press articles. Groups of articles on a particular subject will be analyzed and the AI will identify those that are most often cited as the original source to highlight them.
My point of view
Well, it's always nice to have this new filter that will motivate people to write the best content they can and that will push away fake news of course. Even if the purpose of this change can be a little bit "interested", the result is still interesting the content marketers. It will surely serve the social media by showing the best information. Also, in those time of misinformation, it's nice to finally have an automatic tool that can filter what we read, even if it's not able know to forbid fake news, at least it won't put in front of the real ones.